Thanks to MoronMike at DKos for pointing out this AP article. Here are links to his diary and the original article:Saddam's Constitution Outshines All in Middle East (& New One) by MoronMike
Sun Aug 21st, 2005 at 11:57:11 PDT
Conservatives are always quick to point out how any govenment would be better than Saddam's. Maybe not. From the Lexington Herald-Leader:
The Iraqi constitution adopted in 1990 under Saddam Hussein was among the most secular in the Arab world.
While it's obvious that Saddam and his sons ruled with iron fists firmly implanted in the international monetary cookie jar, and were awful human beings, the issue is not about them. As conservatives say, "We must accept the reality (read numerous mistakes, miscalculations, and ineptitude)) and move on." So let's move on and talk about the "old" Constitution versus the "new" one, and compare them to other constitutions in the Middle East.
MORE AT DAILY KOS LINK Iraqi constitution adopted in 1990 under Saddam Hussein was among the most secular in the Arab worldASSOCIATED PRESS
The Iraqi constitution adopted in 1990 under Saddam Hussein was among the most secular in the Arab world. It made no mention of Sharia -- Islamic religious law -- although Islam was named the official state religion. It prohibited all forms of discrimination, gender or other, and guaranteed freedom of expression as part of "the revolutionary, national and progressive trend."
Here's how drafts of the new charter compare with some other Arab constitutions on the role of Islamic law. English translations come either from official government Web sites or from the International Constitutional Law Project in Bern, Switzerland.
Iraq: Although an earlier draft of the constitution described Islam as "the main basis" of legislation, members of the drafting committee have told The Associated Press that the phrases "a main source" and "one of the sources" are also being considered.