Could it be one of these scenerios?
- * loses the midterm elections and is impeached before the end of his term. The entire upper echelon is brought down with him. Pelosi is President and closes down the Iraq operation with help from an international coalition of peace keepers which deliberately excludes U.S. troops.
- Feeling the pressure from 2/3 of the populace wanting to get out of Iraq, * gets out, more or less on Feingold's schedule. * wins the midterm election on a peace platform. After his win, he attacks Iran and initiates a global war which quickly escalates to nuclear weaponry.
- * not only stays the course in Iraq, but attacks Iran by spring, 2006. Two scenerios. It'll either escalate into something very bad, or not. Either way, loud cries for his impeachment are ignored by the Repug congress giving the Dems a clear position on which to base the midterms, if things in Iran don't go nuclear. If they do, who knows?