... Fights Back.
by David SirotaAugust 21, 2005
The Philadelphia Inquirer has a great piece today on how many of the highest-profile 2008 Democratic presidential contenders - other than the courageous Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) - are still unwilling to take a serious position on the Iraq War.
I must say, there are very troubling signs in the article in terms of Democrats continuing to regurgitate dishonest right wing lies (a phenomenon I have written a lot about before), and continuing to listen to the professional election losers (aka.
"The Consulting Class") and the club of foreign policy elitists (aka. the "The Strategic Class") in Washington, D.C.
But there are also some very encouraging signals this insulated Beltway Establishment is being shaken to its core.<clip>
Much more at the link and more than 50 comments:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-sirota/beltway-dems-regurgitate-_b_5990.html I've noticed a few "what about the DLC" threads today.
It's really simple, imho:
1. If you claim to be a member of the Democratic Party and you have not denounced Bush for his lies, for his illegal war of aggression, for his illegal occupation of Iraq, for his administration's comprehensive support of torture and denial of due process to American citizens -- for starters -- then you are a hypocrite and a traitor to the Party, and more importantly, to the Republic.
2. If you are an elected Representative of the citizens of the United States of American and you have not denounced Bush for his lies, for his illegal war of aggression, for his illegal occupation of Iraq, for his administration's comprehensive support of torture and denial of due process to American citizens -- for starters -- then you are a hypocrite and a traitor to the Republic and you deserve to be prosecuted with the full force of the law -- as will happen to Bush, Cheney and all their fellow neoconster war criminals.
I hope the above is unambiguous.
And, I will be preparing a follow-up to this thread, with responses to any comments that fellow DUers may care to share, and posting it sometime on Monday, in which I include several elements from a thread I posted last evening: