Out of curiosity, I thought I'd pay a visit to the Ohio Republican Party website (
http://www.ohiogop.org/index.aspx) to get their take on the encompassing scandal. Now, in all honesty, I didn't expect them to say anything about "Coingate" (innocent until proven guilty and all that), but when your number one elected official has just admitted to a crime, you'd think
some roundabout reference to the party's high ethical standards that it expects all nominees to meet would be appropriate. So what do they have for the audience?
August 12, 2005: Petro wins Seneca County endorsement
August 11, 2005: Grassroots Black Republican Organization Announces Formation
August 8, 2005: President Bush Signs Into Law A National Energy Plan
August 8, 2005: TEL Amendment to File for November 2006 Ballot
August 2, 2005: Schmidt Headed to Washington
News releases? nope
Talking Points? nope
They didn't even have the good sense to take down Gov. Taft's visage from the "Leadership" page, or tuck away his "Accomplishments" page until memories fade.
I guess if the Ohio GOP is so proud of Taft's record, maybe we should help them report it...