So I get this spam email from a conservative girl I know. It's about religion.
(snip of original email) I like this idea!
You may have heard in the news that a couple of Post Offices in Texas have been forced to take down small posters that say "IN GOD WE TRUST." The law, they say, is being violated. It is something silly about electioneering posters (is God running for office)? Anyway, I heard proposed on a radio station show, that we all write "IN GOD WE 'TRUST" on the back of all our mail. After all, that is our national motto, and it's on all the money we use to buy those stamps. I think it is a wonderful idea. We must take back our nation from all the people who think that anything that offends them should be removed. If you like this idea, please pass it on and DO IT. The idea of writing or stamping "IN GOD ! WE TRUST" on our envelopes sounds good to me. I'M HAVING MY STAMP MADE TODAY!
So I wrote her back. (My response) I liked this part, "We must take back our nation from all the people who think that anything that offends them should be removed." I didn't realize there was some sort of anti-god campaign to have 'In God We Trust' taken off of everything. When did this happen? Here's the problem, overly religious people can do whatever they want in their own time. They can build a 50 story church in their backyard with a gigantic 100 foot statue of Jesus in the front. They can advertise themselves. They can dance with snakes. They can even start massive television networks that raise millions of dollars. PRAISE JESUS! Just do it on your own time. They have the freedom to practice on their own, while other people have the freedom to practice something else. No one has the freedom to ram it down everyone elses throat. Remember those people the Pilgrims? They came here because the King of England wanted to force his version of christianity down their throats.
AND CHECK OUT THIS TOTALLY BIZARRE RESPONSE! It was actually the Holland pilgrams that came to this country to begin, but that is beside the point. I'm not saying that I necessarily agree with this ideology, but I certainly believe that some people have taken "political correctness" to an extreme. For example, what do you think would happen if a white man began the "United Caucasian College Fund?" There would be some serious drama in the country over something like that. I know that that example is a bit far from the religious idea, but it falls under the same principle: there is a point of being overly sensitive. I understand that not everyone in this world is a Protestant Christian, but there is a point when I think it's not about religion, or color, or anything else for that matter- it should be about history. Another example wouldd be the Confederate flag. While many said it should not fly over a public building in South Carolina because it represents slavery, what they don't realize is that the American flag flew over a country that supported and ENDORSED slavery for almost one hundred years! Secondly, I don't think that the S.C. gov't flew the flag to assert the white man's power over minorities; I think it was a tradition and a part of history. Guess what: no matter how hard anyone tries, it can't be changed! It's like not being allowed to call the men who created this nation the "Founding Fathers." I'm a female and I still think that is alright: the reality is that women were not in the Continental Congress or at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Was that right or wrong, can be argued for ever; the fact is that that is how it happened- it cannot be changed! Or what about the famous picture of the three white firefighters raising the American flag over the WTC rubble? Guess what? They are white and that is how it happened!! No changing history!!!! Okay, now that I'm done ranting, I hope you have enjoyed my middle-class, white, female, conservative opinions on a wide range of issues.
Gees, do ya think she's racist?