My Theory of why Clark is running for President and why I support him:
General Clark was holed up for many years serving his country in the military, which is a mini representation of a country...with it's own culture,language, needs, social and economical challenges. The reason that most military tend to favor Republicans is due to the fact that they are the ones that tend to enlarge the military budget. Clark has long internally worked in areas to benefit his soldiers, their status and their well being. Note that the military is a place where censorship of information is a way of life. so the bias within it's rank, until the avent of the internet is understantable.
I believe that Clark's disenchantment with the Republican party occurred long ago, and it is a fact that since 1992 has been voting Democratic. That is when he realized that there was a real battle going on in the Bush I administration, the state dept and the military. Neo-cons were battling Bush I (who was from the old school), who although had a lot of neo-conservative influence in his administration, was not totally on board. General Clark, based on his experience and knowledge must have understood that it would be only a matter of time before the neo-cons would gain ground(Dan Quayle is a neo-con).
General Clark became an outspoken critic of the Neo-con military henchman imbedded in Clinton's military (career military neo-cons)who where strongly attempting to influence the Clinton foreign policy (remember the 1998 letter written by wolfowitz, etal. in reference to the Iraq policy). General Clark, broke rank and went over the heads of his superiors in the military branch (as they were all neo-cons) and spoke out against them directly to the Clinton administration and the State department.
In 1999, the entrenched Neo-con bureaucratic military was able to engineer the firing of General Clark (retiring him 3 months early)with a manipulative plan aimed at Clinton and Secretary of Defense Cohens. President Clinton later did find out what had occurred, and attempted to make it up to General Clark by awarding him with the Medal of Freedom (highest civilian award medal).
What we have here is a General, the anti neo-con ideologue, who truly understands what these neo-cons are planning (reads the PNAC plan). He understood that 9/11 gave the Neo-cons the kind of power that would not have been possible otherwise. He also understands what it will take to stop these Neo-con...to have someone who knows the Military inside and out....who has the power to redox the military bureaucracy (he knows who they are) to oust those who are in positions of power. The military is not an easy entity to reign in....and it has to be done in the most strategic manner straight from the upmost top, i.e. Commander in Chief. As we have witnessed, the State Department and congress have little power to leverage against the Military...who are now stronger than ever.
As one of the many voices criticizing the war in Iraq (part I of the Neo-Con plan), Clark realized that he was just one of too few voices at a time when dissent was being gagged and those opposing the administration were being branded as traitors. Although his appearance on CNN provided him with somewhat of a voice, it wasn't not enough. In fact, he was shocked how easy it was for the Neo-cons to have it their way.
General Clark is currently mad as hell and for the good of the country, has decided that he is not going to allow the PNACers to have it their way. Those sympathizing with him, the DLC wing/Clinton, etal...determined that General Clark could do something.....He could run for President on the Democratic ticket and stop the Neo-cons "dead in their tracks".
General Clark himself cannot be a Neo-con....as he is too intelligent, too patriotic and no chickenhawk (he took 4 bullets in Vietnam).
The Neo-Con plan affect all of America and the world. The American economy is being syphoned to the larger industrial complex and will starve off the treasury, i.e., the Government. The affects to Social Security, Health Care, education, and most all other social programs will be unreversable within the next few years (if Bush is reelected). With a large percentage of the current budget going toward military operations, the Project for the New American Century of Military Global dominance is well on its way of achieving its written purpose.
I believe that General Clark, just like he cared for his soldiers and their interests, will give the same kind of care to the population of the United States. That is, he will fight for us and he will make sure that our priorities are met.
To conclude, I support my candidate, General Clark, because he has the inside track in restoring the World Order to the betterment of all nations. I believe that he will Guide our nation back to sanity by listening, learning, reflecting and taking concrete but wise action.
He is well educated, thoughtful (Masters in philosophy, politics and Econ), articulate (speaks Russian, Spanish & French), diplomatic (negotiated 19 country NATO command), a passionate patriot (four bullets in Vietnam is not a small thing), and humble. I do intensely believe that his charisma, gravitas, moxie and diplomatic abilities will make him one of the great President for this time in history.