Gotta love the way this guy writes:
"CINDY Sheehan, a grieving mother of 24-year-old son Casey, killed only days after joining his army unit in Iraq — is an ordinary woman with extraordinary bearings.
"Two months after the untimely death of her son, in June 2004, she met President Bush, hoping to find comfort and answers to many daunting questions. After a disappointing meeting, she insisted on meeting him again to pose her simple, yet poignant and utterly consequential question: "Why did my son die?"
"Expectedly, this question has been asked by thousands of grieving American families and in fact millions of Americans, many of whom have finally realised the dishonesty and absurdity of Bush's aimless war. 54 per cent of the American public, according to an August 7, 2005 nationwide CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll feel that the US administration has 'made a mistake' in sending troops to Iraq....
"While the clichéd understanding of the media's role in the US is that it is an open, unhindered and evenly representative forum, the sad, albeit unsurprising truth is that the US mainstream media has always been a one-sided, drum-beating, chest-pounding, war-mongering medium where self-serving politicians and businessmen often come together in sinful matrimony. It has, however, so unfairly, tainted the image of the American people, as irrational minds, blindly 'marching in support' behind the president, the troops, American Ideals and so forth, as if the appalling values that molded the thinking of Bush's ideologues has also influenced the aspirations of ordinary Americans everywhere...."