Edited on Mon Aug-22-05 09:57 AM by DancingBear
Oh, yes - here comes the "opposition" to Cindy Sheehan.
You remember them, don't you? They were called, way back when, The Silent Majority, and while we sent millions into the streets the administration wanted everybody to believe there was a groundswell of support for Vietnam, but it was, well, you know, dignified. Quiet. Mature. White.
They're gonna try it again, boys and girls, but they ain't gonna be dignified.
Here's how you find the truth.
Read between the lines. Talk to friends. Watch the poll numbers. Watch Captain Cokehead sweat as he desperately tries to equate Iraq with (pick one):
WW I WW II The Scopes Monkey Trial The Salem Witch Trials Armageddon
Come to D.C. on September 24th, and look at the people in the streets. Young. Old. Black. White. Gay. Straight. Christian. Atheist.
When the proverbial "cross section" of America says enough is enough, then it is.
The question is - how many more will he kill?