I know ... that's cynicism on steroids. But when I read:
The caravan will wind its way across the western U.S., from San Francisco to Crawford, with stops at the Doubletree Hotel in Bakersfield, where the brave right-wing supported caravaners can relax by the palm tree-lined pool, and the Dallas Hyatt Regency, with its multiple restaurants and amazing fitness center.
I cannot help but ponder the apparent affluence. Gas(!) and lodging in such digs isn't the hallmark of the economically disadvantaged - the vast majority of military families. I'm thinking that $125,000 might be more than many of these people have seen in their lives. It's enough to impel some rationalizations, I think.
On edit: My cynicism is only amplified when, every time I read anything about MAF and this "caravan," I see a plea for funds. Every time. I don't see this on the left. On the left, I invariably see someone deciding to protest followed by some belated accommodations for people who lobby for some what to contribute. On the right, it seems as though the VERY FIRST 'arrangement' these people make is for fund-raising - before they even make reservations. They say:
If you cannot attend the caravan or show up at a rally stop we encourage you to help us pay for the trip and rally - by making a contribution.
So, that's what these people call 'courage'??? I'd say they'd be better off using the money for metal health counselling. Really. (Or just buy a dictionary that has decent definitions of 'encourage' and 'courage.')