Listening Post at Camp Casey Two
On stage Saturday night under the listening tent, although I can't find news of it anywhere, not even in the so-called alternative press, there was a long line of emissaries from military families, including Iraq veterans themselves, all of them bringing open messages from within the ranks of the military. Fight like hell to end this war! That's what they want us to do for them. That's what we have to do anyway. So there are a lot of people, them and us included, who we cannot afford to let down.
My personal favorite was Eddie Boyd who on Friday flew all the way down from Baltimore and who Sunday would be flying all the way back in order to try and keep his job. When they asked if anybody wanted to speak from stage he said hell yes I do, and he said it plain. He said:
"I was one of those guys who fell for the con. I was one of those guys who believed we were out to defend democracy and bring freedom to Iraq. Besides in the neighborhood where I come from, there were not too many options. Eight out of ten of my best friends back home died from a life of crime." (Back in his neighborhood, kids weren't treated like officer's kids.) Eddie was at Camp Casey to support Sister Sheehan and he wanted us to know that there are lots of honest, hard working people who feel this war is insane.
"And do you want to know what terrorism is?" asked Eddie. "Terrorism is being the richest nation on earth and letting 43 million people go without health care. Terrorism is giving money to large corporations for contracts in Iraq while refusing to put money into schools and hospitals. In Baltimore cameras are watching you 24 hours a day, and they say they are protecting our rights. They say they're fighting for your right to speak. But ever since this war started I got less and less rights. I'm pissed off at this administration."
-snip- read on
Eddie also said:
"When I came back from Iraq my mom could not understand where I was. Yes, physically I was all right. But mentally and spiritually I was dead. If we love our kids so much why don't we keep them from putting on uniforms?"