phrases that had no bounds in reality. The long, tired recitation of the characteristics of a fascist, dictatorial empire, replete with a seventh grade grasp of geopolitics and all the consciousness of a braying ass was actually funny! It wasn't funny because of the lively wit of some anonymous speech writer, but because every descriptive slogan had its exact parallel it the current illegitimate maladministration. They are the very terrorist extremists, by Booshes own definitions, as they are ostensibly "hunting" for. Talk about diamonds in your own backyard! It was so obvious the only logical conclusion had to be that the solution is for the jerks in charge to commit Hari Kari, minus the honor part, of course. That kind of funny is dangerous. The pressure build up from stifled outrage could produce some serious cardiac malfunction if one had not, as I had to do, taken a pre-emptive dose of ex-lax, last night. It kicked in about one third of the way into his incurious monologue and provided some painful comic relief. The litany of threadbare, hackneyed, philosophical buzzwords deserved the non-verbal sliming I gave it.
No new info, at all. However, if there were any heads-up democratic strategists paying attention, there were dozens of factual errors and gratuitous dead or alive style bullshit promises to absolutely crucify the lot of them. The little gibes and slime aimed at right wing defectors and progressive thinkers (as well as more honest folk) were unnecessary and distasteful.
I think my gnawing twinges of outrage were most aggravated by the scattered, unenthusiastic applause, apparently led by planted seals - I mean- shills. I kept expecting cricket accented silence at the clap breaks and I was praying for a chorus of angry BOOs or, at least a few ejaculations of Liar! Liar! such as I was handing out, unrequited, of course. BS to the limit. Nothing of redeeming social value (yawnnnn.)