One reason the Republicans control the debate on Iraq is that Democrats let them frame it as being about the "War on Terror."
Rather than disprove the connection between 9/11 and Iraq, it would undercut the GOP a lot more if someone gave the case for the real motives as CIA analyst Ray McGovern, Pentagon analyst Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, Jay Garner and others have either explicitly or indirectly confirmed:
- to get our oil companies control of Iraq's oil (for the benefit of those companies not Americans in general)
- to be in a position to influence, intimidate, and invade other oil producing countries as needed
- to protect Israel
- to protect the dollar by stopping a shift to trading oil in dollars instead of Euros.
Greg Palast and others have found ample documentary evidence for the first two. someone stood up on the Senate floor, listed these, and asked for the documents from Cheney's 2001 Energy task force meeting to prove these wrong, the administration would be on the defensive.
Most senators and congressmen have referred to this at best obliquely, and barely in more detail than a "no blood for oil" protest sign.
This would also refocus attention on the issues raised by the DSM. Those made the case that the Bushies knew their reasons for war were false.
The other shoe is giving the real reasons, which are easier to reject than fear of the boogey man giving nukes to terrorists.
Hillbilly Hitler art: