The similarities are strikingly similar if you consider one, a mini of the other. . Both have numerous candidates. Both have two-week wonders. (Arnold-Clark) And both embattled leaders have an economic problem.
So what we see in California could very well be the tactics that will be used in 04. Look at the news and see how they are fawning over Arnold and saying that he did a sudden leap forward in the polls, and sure enough he must be the winner next week. They have made irrelevant the experience needed to run government, and assured us that it is no big deal. They have made irrelevant morality in the candidate, even though the Repug voter was told just a few years ago that it was of primary importance. And if more people show up at the polls than they want, they will suppress the vote where they can, and steal as much as they need to win (a close race makes it easier) from the black box voting machine. Now there is only one way to win if this is true and that is MASSAVE VOTER TURNOUT. So large that if they tried to steal enough to win they would get caught, and enough activist to insure that they cannot hide a massive fraud.
So let us use California as a mirror to see what we face in 04, and I would bet that the only way to win in 04 would be the way Californians can win next week. And my guess is that Arnold will win in a close race, and if they just broaden it a bit, Bush will win in a close race in 04. If we let them.