to fit what they already believe and will not let go of because it would mean changing everything they believe. And like someone confronted with evidence that their uncle molested thier child, they do everything they can to deny it or believe something else.
Watched a Bush loving woman on Democracy Now this morning being interviewed in Crawford. Yes, watching this can give you more insight that a Bob Shrum study group.
So: She says, Bush is a "man of faith". She can't believe he would send troops to die for oil. So he must have sent them for a good reason. Again-she BELIEVES what she must even when confronted with other evidence. And of course, she has no evidence that he is a "man of faith". To me-saying "I'm a man of faith" is not enough. I like to look for actions that prove it. And Bush's actions as a president disprove it. If she said, he's against gay marriage and that's why I love him, well at least she would be correct. To say he's a "man of faith" is absolutely meaningless. Would she say her uncle is a "man of faith" so he couldn't possibly molest her daughter? Meaningless drivel.
Weapons of mass destruction: Ah ha. She believes the propaganda that the right wing sold her back in 2003. I remember reading this from my old board when I would hash it out with some of the other side. The WMD were moved to Syria. She's certain. I don't know but I bet even if she just heard that once somewhere-and it was enough to believe.
So there you have it. Refuses to believe Bush is a bad man. Of course, because that would mean she would have to change her whole reality. And that's a lot of work. I know I've done it myself(Going from believing Colin Powell about WMD to suspecting they let 9/11 happen.) So the war was to get WMD and they are still there! Just in another country. So WAR number 2 will be a-okay with her.
As someone said on another post-which I loved because it sent chills up my spine..a quote from somebody in history-don't remember who- propaganda works because you want it to.