Lets revive the 1992 infamous "Chicken George"
Why isn't Bush willing to meet with Cindy Sheehan? Where is Chicken George when you need him?
We need a person in chicken costume to dress up in Boise, Idaho to protest Bush. YOU WILL GET NATIONWIDE ATTENTION, just as the "chicken george" did in Salt Lake City today.
Just wear a sign about how Bush is scared to meet Cindy, and strut like a chicken.
Fox News story (also on CNN TV today):
"One protester wore a chicken suit with a placard around his neck that said 'George: Scared of Cindy?'"
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,166363,00.htmlWouldn't it be great to revive Chicken George to taunt Bush Jr., who taunted Bush Sr. relentlessly?
Location of Bush on Wednesday:
"Bush will speak near Boise, Idaho (Nampa) on Wednesday before members of the Idaho National Guard."
Does anyone know any anti-war groups in Boise Idaho?
(More on "Chicken George" who terrorized Bush Sr:
More soon....