By Bernard Weiner sample paragraphs from this important editorial!
"For one thing, as I've been telling you for more than a year now," said ST, "quit paying so much attention to Bush -- he's just their front guy -- and focus on Cheney. He's so deep into scandal, hypocrisy, lying, corruption, the blood of innocents, that he should be the obvious target. And probably will be the first member of the Administration to be impeached, if he doesn't resign first, 'for health reasons.'
"If he goes, believe it or not, there's even some wild talk about Bush naming Lieberman, the rightwing Democrat, as his running mate on a 'Unity' ticket -- not as crazy as it sounds. Get some conservative Democrats, and Jewish voters, to move into the Republican column, taking key votes away from whoever the Democrat candidate is. And Lieberman is such an ambitious suck-up, he'd probably take the bait.
"But let's keep our focus here. Cheney and Rove are the nuts & bolts of the operation. Cheney is up to his ears in vulnerabilities, everything from his continuing ties to his old company Halliburton -- despite his denials, he's still getting huge payments from them, and guess who got the large contract for Iraq reconstruction, without having to submit a competitive bid? -- to his refusing to turn over key documents to Congress about his secret energy-policy committee, which may well have dealt with getting control of Mideast oil by military means.
"As the media finally are reporting, Rove probably committed a felony by being involved in the outing of a covert CIA agent, the wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Those two, Cheney and Rove, are just waiting to be plucked -- especially Rove, since the CIA, made to seem the fallguy by the Bush Administration, is out for revenge. If you're smart, you don't piss off the spooks and high-ranking ambassadors. The Bushies aren't smart. They're stonewalling the CIA-outing issue and hope to bury it in Ashcroft's coverup office. Go get 'em!"