stop having babies.
Unless they REALLY wanted it,were psychologically prepared to cope with it,could take care of it and would not see the child as thiers or thier property to mold into thier own designs, and love it regardless,and would never abuse it.
I wish people would accept to be the best parents might reqire one to NEVER bear children.
And with the way this world is,I think it is good for more people to not to give birth... without SERIOUS HONEST forethought and REAL consideration for the child's future from the childs perspective(as best you can empathize). Parents egos and parental neurosis be damned..
And blaming the woman for her own murder is insane.Acting Out in Violence is ALWAYS a choice the ABUSER/Killer makes by huimself. THe man is GUILTY.He could havbe left,He could have not fucked her,He could have used a condom or got a vasectomy. Blaming the victim does not cut it,And it is no excuse because our culture is abusive and so many people hook up with abusive sexist assholes and think that is a normal relationship because they have been conditioned to desirea "dominant male" to breed a family,and they have bought into other state social scams done to populations to perpetuate a state of slavery and competition between different genders and people.
Don't have babies unless you are prepared and willing to accept that child is a person,not property.
Vasectomies and hystorectomies/tubal ligations should be offered for free,to anyone wanting one.And no one should fereel less of a human being for choosing childrfre..You should never murder a spouse because you do not want kids that guy was an asshole and deserves jail or to die.IMHO.