This has got to be the last straw. This moron who has been spouting about fostering "freedom" in his ever changing justification for this bloodbath now has been instrumental in setting up another Islamic state.
There are no words to describe how evil this man is. This should have even conservative Republicans finally jumping ship.,2763,1553862,00.htmlRory Carroll in Baghdad and Julian Borger in Washington
Monday August 22, 2005
The Guardian
The United States has eased its opposition to an Islamic Iraqi state to help clinch a deal on a draft constitution before tonight's deadline.
American diplomats backed religious conservatives who threatened to torpedo talks over the shape of the new Iraq unless Islam was a primary source of law. Secular and liberal groups were dismayed at the move, branding it a betrayal of Washington's promise to advocate equal rights in a free and tolerant society.
Stalemate over the role of Islam, among other issues, meant last week's deadline was extended for a week. Outstanding disputes could produce another cliffhanger tonight, triggering a further extension.
The Bush administration, keen to show the political process is on track, has waded into negotiations and pressured all sides to compromise.