Edited on Mon Aug-22-05 11:25 PM by seabeyond
we women need to do an email campaign against this "women without rights in iraq". WE need to make it a big deal.
To: 'RGerecht@aei.org' Subject: rights for women not necessary for democracy.
Rights for women are not necessary for democracy. Not to be a sexist, I will have to assume that you equally feel a man not having rights is also not necessary for democracy. Now, please explain the sense in that statement. And since you will not be able to defend that males equally don’t need to have rights in order to have democracy, I will suggest to you that your comment was purely sexist. Which doesn’t matter much to the republicans, since they see women as second class and are working hard to take our rights away right here in our own democracy, the United States of America? But why you should listen to me, women across the nation that supported the outrageous lies from Bush, and the ineptness, are mad. Women I have never been able to convince how bad a president bush is, how bad this war is, are mad that we would go into a country and leave the women by far, worse off then when we walked into that country. Further, yawl don’t care.
I am a middle age, Texas housewife with a couple kids in a Christian school. You pissed off too large of a group. Half the nation. Cindy Sheehan, a mother that lost her baby, republicans have just been cruel and ugly and less than human. Not Christian, certainly. And certainly not respectful. Just another example of the republicans behavior of dismissing the women. We gained our rights, we aren’t going to go backward. Not going to happen. and it is a shame that our administration doesnt have a problem with this backward movement.
Not respectfully, but certainly sincerely,