Look at this CNN transcript. Try to read through it and see if it has an actual point:
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0508/21/rs.01.htmlRemember, you probably read faster than the people on that show talk. So imagine having to sit through that meandering stream of blathering and superficiality (punctuated, of course, by a few cogent points from Arianna towards the end). In that same amount of time, you could probably have read (and responded to) two or three clear and concise blog entries.
I ran across that transcript because Atrios linked to Crooks and Liars, which linked to the CNN transcript. So I tried to read it.
It was a shock. After reading books and reading and writing on the web for so many yeras, I was suddenly confronted by a disjointed series of short statements strung together in an incoherent meaningless mess.
This is why I don't watch TV news. It's just a bunch of choppy disconnected snippets and opposing viewpoints and interruptions which don't add up into an actual thought or concept or statement. I would imagine that a steady diet of TV news would turn your brain to mush.
Maybe TV news works for some people, but I can't make heads or tails of it. In the immortal words of Gertrude Stein, "There is no there there."