I went to the states for my first visit back since the election. To my sadness, the first thing I notice at the MSP airport was a Fox News stand with several tvs tuned to that propaganda. I almost got back on the plane to Amsterdam.
It took a few days to adjust to the enormous size of the SUV's with yellow ribbons. But, what's really sad is to see no people out. Nobody walks anywhere, everything you need is in strip malls and I saw people drive from one end of one to the other.
Also, the blatant display of Christianity was very apparent. I'm talking fundie support. Lots of bumper stickers, tshirts, billboards, commercials. They are obnoxious and EVERYWHERE! Religion is just not a private thing anymore. You've got to out-Christian everyone.
Also, the news. Just plain horrible. Not journalism, just info-tainment.
Oh, it's nice to be home though. There were lots of fellow dems I met up with. And the * supporters don't have too much to say - thank God!
My favorite part of my trip was having lunch with a friend and meeting a young man who was in town for a "Support the troops" picnic with his guard unit. My freeper in-laws were part of the whole thing. He said he was going to check in and leave. After gently prodding him with questions his girlfriend said "he doesn't like Bush and all the 'troop support' stuff".
Seems that 9 men from his unit came home to broken families while on deployment. All had spouses cheat and leave. Many were young families but some were older.
He said the parades and BBQs don't mean much. Most of them are getting sent back, the war isn't over, and their lives have taken a hard turn for the worse.
It just didn't surprise me that these guys are not buying in to all this freeper support.