Edited on Tue Aug-23-05 02:44 AM by EC
This is the Just War Doctrine, there is nothing about this war that is just.
War must be the last resort and used only after all other means have failed. *
War must be declared to redress rights actually violated or for defense against unjust demands backed by the threat of force. *
The war must be openly and legally declared by a legal government. *
There must be a reasonable chance of winning. *
The means used must be in proportion to the ends sought. *
Soldiers must distinguish between armies and civilians and not kill civilians on purpose. *
The winner must not require the utter humiliation of the loser.
In the 60's the demonstrations were peaceful, but the war continued. Eventually the anger got more intense and spread and the demonstrations became riots. Here I must say that the Cops and the Administration fueled the anger. I'm sorry to say I see a repeat of this with this Administration and I do hope EVERYONE CAN KEEP THEIR HEAD AND HEARTS AS CALM AS CAN BE AND KEEP IT PEACEFUL...
Here are some of the demonstrations I remember, add on as you remember "happenings" from those days...
student draft resisters to the Vietnam War situated on the University of California, Berkeley campus
The Catonsville Nine, Daniel and Philip Berrigan, John Hogan, Tom Lewis, and Marjorie and Tom Melville-- all members of the Catonsville Nine, a disparate band of Vietnam war protesters who broke the law on May 17, 1968 when they walked into a draft board office In Cantonsville, Maryland, grabbed hundreds of selective service records and burned them with homemade napalm.
The Chicago Eight (became 7 when Bobby Seal was separated - ) ( the Youth International Party), Abby Hoffmann, Bobby Seal, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, John Froines, Lee Weiner and Rennie Davis...(were said to have incited the Chicago Democratic Convention riots.)
Abbie Hoffman in the Fillmore Room. Overflow audience - 2,000 . . . says the Chicago 8 was convicted because there is no evidence against them, thus their conviction would be even more intimidating to others. Deterrent theory; makes sense . . . same patterns as the Buffalo 9 locally ( Bill Yates and Ray Malek. sentenced 3 years in Allenwood Federal Penitentiary for the awful crime of impeding arrest. Their real crime was refusing to stand for the judge, and thus a contempt-of-court citation. None of the Buffalo-9 were ever charged with damaging property or injuring a person. Not even the prosecution charged that the arresting officers had been physically hurt by the resisting Peaceniks at the church. But the State could not allow itself to lose face either in Buffalo or Vietnam..) Hoffman warned that there was little hope in appeal; political cases are never reversed - the Rosenbergs, Sacco and Vanzetti. His only hope is to get people into the streets. Trials have nothing to do with justice; only power . . . 100 demonstrators attacked ROTC and broke up the drill session with non-violent ridicule. The demonstrators marching beside the ROTCs, inviting them to join the demo, had even the cadets laughing so that finally the unit could not function.This tactic is more effective than violence because it causes the actor to question what he is doing and thereby immobilizes him.
Bombing of University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Sit-Ins in numerous campus'
Kent State..
Oh, and the RW's had their Minute Men then too, only they didn't fight immigration
Buffalo police busted people for possessing cigarette papers made in the form of an American flag,
The Psychedelic Summit Conference announced their commitment to the Supreme Value of Love, and declared war on the State.
Oh yeah, the Black Panthers, there was so much going on with them, the Administration were really afraid of a bunch of organized Proud Black Men, they were probably blamed for more violence and had more violence perpetrated against them. SNCC militant leader Stokely Carmichael coins the phrase "Black Power."
Chicago police, in participation with the FBI, murder two members of the Black Panther Party, including the raid’s target, 20 year old Panther leader Fred Hampton.
"POWER TO THE PEOPLE" was a rallying cry...
Timothy Leary founds International Foundation for Internal Freedom (IFIF) to promote LSD research & publish The Psychedelic Review.
250,000 protesters march against the war in Washington, D.C. Of course it is only proper that the decade end the way it began--with as much excitement and pandemonium as possible.
The combining of the Civil Rights Movement and the Peace Movement. Civil Rights protests lead to a police riot and mass arrests in Selma Alabama where segregationist governor George Wallace refuses to protect marchers and blacks who want to register to vote. North Carolina becomes the first state to bus schoolchildren across town to achieve racial desegregation in the public schools.
Ginsberg coins the term "Flower Power" to describe his non-violent strategy of political action.
Lots of assassinations: Kennedy's, King, Malcolm X
Free Speech movement begins among University of California at Berkeley students, actions culminate in the occupation of Sproul Hall
Widespread riots rock the Watts section of Los Angeles, 34 people are killed and over 4,000 arrested.
Benjamin Spock and Allen Ginsberg are arrested in Anti-War rally in NYC
Muhammad Ali is stripped of his heavyweight title for refusing induction into the US Army. Anti-War demonstrators march on the Pentagon on October 67
Cesar Chavez of the United Farm Workers begins a nationwide boycott of table grapes.
A riot in New York’s Stonewall Inn launches the Gay and Lesbian Rights movement.
Race riots rock 127 US cities, the worst riots are in Newark and Detroit.
The CIA, explicitly exceeding its mandates, initiates Operation Chaos and begins spying on US war protesters. J. Edgar Hoover begins the FBI’s COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence program) actions against the Black Panther Party and other Black Nationalist groups.
I mention what went on back then not to reminisce, but to remind you, demonstrating for peace is dangerous, (irony) and the right will jail you for no reason, just because they can, they will tie up the courts, waste millions of dollars more putting you on trial for something they cannot convict, just to show who has the power....The more authority the State loses, the more violent and fraudulent they will get, they will be taking names at colleges, collecting license plates numbers, and more to harass and survail there WILL BE UNDER COVERS IN THE CROWD (and instigators) and now they have the new Patriot Act to use to do these things...Be careful, peaceful, vigilant, and safe...Keep your eyes and ears open, have cameras and if you can videos. Try not to be alone in case you have to pass the camera to keep from being confescated...Knowledge is power, the only antidote to police repression is exposure. They will try to goad you into violence. (this is why the caravan of RW are headed to Camp Casey now) And for goodness sakes, leave anything illegal at home.
On Edit: forgot spellcheck