Much has already been written about the mind--for lack of a better word--of the neoconservative, and its total void of any sort of empathy.
On any subject--be it war, women's rights, the death penalty, school issues, or what have you--the neocon doesn't give a tinker's damn about what he assumes will only harm others. But he explodes in urinating, terror-driven fury the millisecond his own little world is disturbed, by threats real, imagined...or concocted by his manipulators.
The neocons have welcomed fascism in America because they thought THEY would be the ones putting the boot down on everyone else.
Every so often, one of 'em strays from the Kool Aid pitcher for a little too long, and gets an inkling that they may not have the standing in the Rich White Males' Club that they once thought, and that they might end up eating shit instead of rubbing it into the faces of everyone on their "enemies" list.
Welcome their change of opinion. But never forget that it's NOT a change of heart. They'll revert to norm as soon as they think they're in the clear.