...has been calling for America to sort itself out for years.
Millions of people around the world knew the Iraq invasion was lies from the very beginning. They marched all over the world and America told them they didn't need foreign advice, and almost alone (except for Poland of course) made awful decisions which have impacted negatively on all corners of the world.
Millions around the world know the DSM tale, and that Iraq was never involved in 9/11. Many also know that Americans haven't seen the real pictures of abuse, both prisoners and general pop'n. Nor pictures of total devestation such as Falujah. They know that many Americans are under the mistaken impression that extensive rebuilding has/is being completed. Has anyone seen any film of functioning schools with happy and healthy students, studying with a teacher, books and computers with power? Or properly functioning, equiped hospitals?
Millions also know that Afghanistan is a total mess by every measure. But they remember Bush promising before going to Iraq that Afghanistan would be fully supported in attaining peace, democracy and development. Yeah. Sure. Anyone got pictures of the rebuilding there?
Millions around the world don't know what happened on 9/11, but they know the official story and the investigation are just piles of stinking manure.
Millions know your elections are a serial farce.
Millions know that a US president can get impeached for a sly BJ, but not for anything else.
Millions know that Blair, Howard and other political leaders are equally guilty of treachery by their alliances and kowtowing to America's administration. They told the same lies, and burned many lives.
Millions know that America is not free any more. Just to be allowed to visit they have to give up their fingerprints, personal dignity, and other impositions, as well as running the risk that you can be taken from the airport and sent to Gitmo without reason, rights or recourse. They also know that thousands walk across the southern border daily unimpeded and that sea ports are wide open. The airport security is a nonsense. Will a terrorist fly in, or walk across the border and meet his container of materials at the port? The war on terror is a sham that has only achieved the loss of America's inherited personal freedom. Would you like spies with that burger? A genuine terror attack somewhere in America is just as possible today (and possibly more likely) as it was before all that War On Terror spin started. Terrorism cannot be prevented by any pre-emptive military action. How is your cities water supply secured? A bucket of the right nasty stuff in your water supply can expose an entire local pop'n in 24 hrs. How does the war on terror address that? Are you certain that the car next to you at the mall could not be carrying a bomb? How does the war solve that? Terror comes in a thousand forms. It can never be minimised by military action or psuedo war.
Millions around the world wonder when the brave and strong people of America are going to learn from the Orange Revolution. In a repressed country the people rallied peacefully and in enormous numbers and demanded their crooked gov't go - and stayed until they won under the spotlight of the worlds television. About 50 million American people voted against the administration that gave us all Iraq etc. How come 10 or 20% of those voters are not camped out in Washington right now demanding an end to the wars, and that the country be given back to the people - right now.
Millions around the world recognise that most of the US political opposition has equally failed to be honest with the American people and largely continues to do so. Taking a world view suggests it is not just this administration that has failed the people, but the entire federal gov't itself is very sick and failing to function as intended. This is now beyond partisanship. This is between all Americans and their collective rulers who should be servants. The founders design enshrined the ultimate power with the people, and wisely warned of the ongoing need for the people to hold vigilant guard, and further placed on the people the responsibility to exercise their power when necessary. The power was not given to democrats nor republicans, it was bequeathed to the people - good people, honest people, moral people, free people - every American.
Bring it on. Bring on the peaceful revolution. Neither red nor blue - an Orange Revolution.
The 2005 American peoples revolution will be supported by many millions of people around the world. The people of the world will indeed let you fix it, and will even help if allowed. Civil war is neither necessary or expeditious. The ballot box is broken and will not enable the return of power to its rightful holders. Peaceful revolution is the only way available if America does really want to see freedom, peace and democracy spreading around the world. That is how America must lead the world, by demonstrating the behaviour that it expects of others. Most polls show a large majority of Americans now hold no confidence in their gov't. Get 5 million in the streets and another 5 million will join. It is time.
And don't worry about foreign gov'ts poking their noses in. When the people usurp the most powerful gov't on the planet, no other politicians anywhere will have the balls to front up to such unbridled power. I don't think Mr Blair will be flying to DC after the revolution to receive his indictments from the people. In fact I think the British would follow suit and see their own liar off too.
After the revolution invite all living past presidents to form a panel to manage the essential affairs of state in a caretaker role, and to arrange and conduct an urgent pencil and paper federal election for a new administration.
The ball is in your court America. What is your freedom worth?