express the desire for the good ole days. They either blissfully forget civil rights and women's rights or just don't care. And the idyllic family they believe existed in the '50's..didn't. Except on TV and in the movies. It was created. A fantasy. And yet the evangelical fundamentalists still desperately try to recreate that ideal. Dad working himself to death to provide for his family, unhappy at his job but unable to ever think of leaving. Mom at home, unhappy with her full-time domestic responsibilities and unpaid charitable and community activities and the continual judgment of everyone. Welcome to the American Taliban way of thinking. Turn back the clock. Work Dad to death. Sequester Mom. And tell those who want equal rights under the law to shut up. What that CSPAN caller really wants is to be young again. That's nostalgia for youth. Life wasn't better then. Well, we did have better presidents.