With the start of the new college year there's a chance for students to apply for a movie fund .Which is distributed to anyone who can come up with a good idea .We were thinking about making a documentary highlighting the nightmarish aspect of this new administration on the lives of ordinary Americans ....yet as manier an idea cherised by a student we put it in a drawer for some other time .Seeing hower these images of what seems to be troops , or in any case over-zealously armed fascist idea hugging freaks break up a party in Utah .the tasuring of peaceful protesters in pittsburg , we know that would have a shot at getting awarded some money for exposing those elements....any other stories of power abuse are more than welcome .
we already have election fraud (the hearings) ,military having a hard time leaving high school kids alone , fraud , fraud , some more fraud , screwing over the american people , vile disregard for what america stands for (by which we mean republican sen. ,and rep. going ape-shit on the floor )...
but we would hugely appreciate it if there instances and resources (people , moving image , pictures ) which would help us make the case in front of the film commission .
again this is just a floating idea so any suggestions no matter how odd would be more than welcome ,that said unlike fox we are looking to keep the grace of truth on our side
hmmm.....yez we should have a piece about fox .
it'll be an X-chapter compilation of short films regarding each subject ...any further questions are also more than welcome ....although the answers are still being constructed as we speak .