Will Pitt is right. We do need to revisit and repost things of importance about our candidates.
These were posted the other day, but they did not get much attention over all. Here are two links to Howard Dean's report before the Senate Special Committee on Aging. If they do nothing else, they show a man who is putting forth definitive ideas. They show a doctor who knows the elderly and cares for them. I find it hard to believe after reading these that he would allow things to happen to hurt them.
I do believe the Bush administration would allow and in fact do pursue things to hurt the elderly population.
I am quite sure that someone will yell, but that is not what he said in 95. This was in 2001. I like his ideas. They are well-thought-out, and they are good.
http://www.ohiosilc.org/il/library/medicaid/75-038.html#Dean His views on who and who should not be suitable for home care, very caring views.
SNIP...."Governor Dean. Well, I think it is very clear--and I will comment as a physician not as a Governor on this one. I have taken care of a lot of people over the age of 65--over the age of 85, and it is very clear to me that the single most important way of keeping seniors happy and living longer is, in fact, keeping them happy. So I would actually disagree with anybody who said that the quality of care was going to be worse in the home, because by keeping somebody with independence, that enhances their own sense of independence and allows them, A, to do more for themselves than they would in an institution, and, B, to feel much better about themselves. And, therefore, that alone will keep them living longer.
And who should not be eligible:
SNIP...."Now, we are not talking about everybody. Remember, home health care is not for everybody. There are people who are so severely disabled that they must have institutional care, and we are not talking about doing away with all nursing homes. But there are an enormous number--in our State, for all we have done in expanding home health with the waiver, we still think that we have at least 10 percent of patients who are in institutions now who don't need to be there, and we can't get them out now because once you go in, you become dependent and you need even more services. So you have got to stop them from going in in the first place. Then they are not only happier, but they do better physically......"
Another link which appears to be a statement rather than the interaction above:
http://aging.senate.gov/events/hr71hd.htmThese are very long and take some reading. Please read them before you again refer to 95. Please also tell what stances YOUR candidates are taking on the preservation of Medicare and in what form. I think that is fair, since most seem to think their candidates are supportive.
I hope we can keep this kicked for the ones who have been posting about him all day for his statements in 95. Thanks.