Political Frame Watch
by Chris Bowers
Take a look at the results for the following Google searches. Outside of "reality based community," I think they show that conservatives are pretty much crushing us when it comes to developing ways to describe the world:
"support the troops": 457,000
"red states": 445,000
"reality based community": 395,000
"blue states": 338,000
"soccer moms": 313,000
"sends the wrong message" OR "sending the wrong message": 86,900
"Liberal elite": 56,500
"values voters": 47,900
"NASCAR Dads": 32,300
"Security Moms": 22,400
"march of freedom": 15,200
"theocon": 14,500
"nurturant parent": 7,100
"right wing power grab": 690
I'd like to develop a list of key frames and track their dominance within the political landscape over the course of several months. In particular, I would like to look at competing conservative and liberal frames, which do in fact play an important role in shaping public opinion, as we saw in the Social Security battle.
What are the key searches I need to look at? What have I forgotten in this list? Help me out--I think this could be a fun and useful project.
Ideology :: Tue Aug 23rd, 2005 at 03:12:57 PM EDT :: 1 Comment
http://www.mydd.com/please open link for additional links