Cindy Sheehan isn't coming back...BIG SUPRISE! Submitted by JWeathers on Tue, 2005-08-23 09:21. Is it true that people are drinking water from a ditch and relieving themselves next to their tents. No wonder Cindy hasn't come back. Maybe its the Woodstock-type of environment that has kept her away. The Worholesque atmosphere that coattail riders create, when they smoother a scene. I think the protest had more gusto when it was just Cindy. Now all of these tag alongs, with nothing better to do, are just hanging out, BEING PROFESSIONAL PROTESTORS.
Dude!....You were at Woodstock? Submitted by nomobush on Tue, 2005-08-23 11:43. Cool man! Jimi Hendrix rocked so hard! Awesome dude!
Haven't you figured out yet that this is not just about Cindy? Submitted by uppityperson on Tue, 2005-08-23 11:58. One place you imply you were at Woodstock, another that you were wounded in the military. You continue to post negative comments and insults. I think you are missing the point of this protest. Cindy was the galvinizing force, true, but does this mean President Bush should not be held accountable? What is The Mission? What is the Noble Task he refers to? Have you even visited Camp Casey? This is far beyond just Cindy and your words will convince few.
I was not at woodstock, I Submitted by TonkawaJohn on Tue, 2005-08-23 11:59. I was not at woodstock, I did not serve, I have been to camp casey, he convinced me... SINdyMoveOn.org