I'm not going to post the original racist quiz about "muslim men between the ages of 18 and 30", most people know what I'm talking about. I'm kind of proud of it, in my own smug way ;) , and need to give thanks for DUer's who's questions I cut and pasted, although I made up Kazinski and BTK myself.
What does a muslim look like?
1, Filipino muslim woman
2, Brazilian politician
3, Caucasian American woman
3, Eammon Walker, an American actor
4, Gael Garcia, a mexican actor
By the way, Bobby Kennedy's murderer, Sirhan Sirhan was a Roman Catholic! Seems Forrest Gump really was right. At least proofread your right wing bullshit before you unquestioningly carpet the floor with it.
Now, here's a quiz for you guys...
In 1996 the Olympic games in Atlanta were bombed by:
a) Mary Lou Retton
b) Howard Cosell
c) Richard Jewell (you only get to pick this one if you work for the FBI)
d) Eric Rudolph, a white "christian".
In 1995, the Murrah Building in Oklahoma city was destroyed by a truck bomb, killing 168 (including 19 children). The bomber was:
a) Wile E. Coyote
b) Vanilla Ice
c) Weird All Yankovic
d) Timothy McVeigh, a white "christian".
James Bird was dragged to his death behind a pick up truck by:
a)Martin Luther King Jr
b)Elmer Fudd
c)Osama bin Laden
d)two white christian males
Ted Kazinski, the Unibomber was:
a) A Unicyclist in Ringling Bros. Circus
b) Fond of "pollack" jokes
c) Prone to extreme farting sessions
d) A white christian male
The BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) killer just sentenced was:
a) A good samaritan
b) A Pisces
c) A champion Playstation competitor
d) A white Christian male
Since the American Civil War, thousands of blacks have been lynched by:
a) The Rotarians
b) The Knghts of Columbus
c) The Cub Scouts
d) The Ku Klux Klan, a white "christian" organization.
Starting in the late 1930's, the Second World War would eventually kill over 57 million people, including 6 million Jews in extermination camps. This war was chiefly instigated by:
a) Saddam Hussein, at the age of two
b) The Marx Brothers
c) Bob Hope
d) Adolph Hitler, a white "christian". and leader of the Third Reich, a white "christian" organization
In 1994, over 800,000 Rwandan Tutsis were exterminated with the help of:
a) Raid
b) Tarzan
c) Britney Spears
d) The Roman Catholic Church and other white "christian" organizations.
Torture was the principle method of persuasion for almost a thousand years in which organization?
a) The Book of the Month Club
b) The William Shatner Fan Club Choral Society
c) The Blackboard and Fingernail Society
d) The Catholic Church, a white "christian" organization
Which Texas governor presided over 152 executions?
a) Jesse Ventura
b) Foghorn Leghorn
c) Davy Crockett
d) George W. Bush, a white "christian"
When white "christian" nations colonized the Americas, they caused the death of how many native Americans?
a) Six
b) That indian guy in the Village People
c) That guy on the "Keep America Beautiful" commercial who cries
d) About 20 million
The Thirty Years War, a squabble between Catholics and Lutherans in Europe, killed:
a) Garrison Keilor
b) Real estate prices on the Riviera
c) The radio star
d) 3-8 million people
Around 50,000 "witches" were executed over 300 years by:
a) Lord Voldmort
b) Elizabeth Montgomery
c) warlocks
d) Various white "christian" churches
Are you seeing a pattern . . . dare I say, a profile, developing here?