Bush camp.
Bill Johnson
Larry Lynch
Ray Meadows
Larry Mattlage
Larry Northern
9 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2005
Gene Ellis reporting for The Iconoclast
Ann Wright, camp coordinator, attended a meeting at the County
Commissioners' offices held today. There have been requests by
some county residents who want a countywide ordinance to close
more roads in the area near the two Camp Caseys. If they are
successful in their request, it would affect parking at both camps.
No word yet on the outcome of the hearing."Commissioner Ray Meadows is pushing for the traffic restrictions on roads around the Bush ranch,
which is in his district. A protest on Prairie Chapel Road this month has drawn hundreds of protesters
from around the country, and Meadows said the traffic poses a safety hazard and a nuisance for
The restrictions against parking, stopping or standing would apply to Prairie Chapel, Hester, Old Beulah,
Morgan, Mattlage, Homestead, Quiet Valley, Canaan Church, Coryell City, Bohne, Spross, Castle Creek
and West Middle Bosque roads.
http://www.wacotrib.com/news/content/news/stories/2005/08/23/20050823waccommishadvance.htmlComissioners want to restrict traffic at Camp Casey...
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x2030466Ft. Qualls
The owner, Bill Johnson is an acquaintance of President Bush and
wanted to provide a clearing house for Bush supporters who come
to the area and wish to find out what's happening, how to organize, etc.
Johnson said this group is trying to serve God and country. They
plan a candlelight vigil Saturday next, in the evening, around the
large angel silhouette on the tent site. They are calling the area
Ft. Qualls, in honor of a fallen soldier whose father lives in
Temple, Texas and supports President Bush and the war effort.
BY DON M. FISHER, associate editor
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