In the old Fantastic Four comic books, a villain known as the Mole Man planned to dominate the Earth with a clever plan. It involved covering the globe with millions of identical drone-people which the diabolical genius bred and brainwashed in a secret underground laboratory.
In a recent story published in "The New Yorker," magazine it turns out that members of the evangelical Christian movement are working on a scheme that the Mole Man himself would have admired.
The story details the goings on at Patrick Henry University, a small religious school in Purcellville, Va. Populated mostly with home-schooled, white students whose parents feared their kids coming into contact with any ideas outside their own, Patrick Henry is a school that prides itself on its ties to Washington power-brokers.
In fact, the story tells how each year, many of the school's 300 students have been chosen for White House internships while students from last year's 61-member graduating class have landed jobs on the staffs of conservative congressmen, on the Iraq Provisional Authority and, of course, in the White House.