this is a good opinion piece on cindy sheehan that i thought deserves to be shared. its from the pakistani newspaper dawn.
A mother’s quest for peace
- Mahir Ali
A COUPLE of years ago, during a rare interlude of optimism occasioned by evidence of a massive international movement aimed at pre-empting the war against Iraq, this column looked forward to a time when it would become commonplace for curious children to ask “What did you do for peace, Mummy?” rather than “What did you do in the war, Daddy?”
That still seems like a pipedream. But if, a decade or two down the road, that question were put to Cindy Sheehan, she would undoubtedly have a long tale to tell. Unfortunately, her firstborn, Casey, won’t be around to ask it. article also kicks hitchens, fox news etc right where they deserve, in their fartuous asses....