Pat Robertson is not just a private citizen. He is a major BushCo Insider and without him there would be no Bush Dynasty. This is why when someone like Robertson says something stupid it has the potential of becoming an international incident. It is way past the time for this anti-christ to get some exposure.
The Christian Coalition And George Bush
New documents obtained by CNN suggest coordination between religious group, Bush campaign
By Brooks Jackson/CNN
WASHINGTON (Aug. 19) -- It was no secret that Pat Robertson supported President George Bush in his re-election race in 1992. But the full story of just how the Christian Coalition worked behind the scenes is only now coming to light.
CNN has obtained previously confidential documents that tell the story how Robertson hand-picked more than 30 Bush campaign leaders, of how the Bush campaign got advance information on the printing and distribution of 40 million Christian Coalition voter guides favorable to Bush, and of how Bush even raised money for the Christian Coalition itself.
In April 1992, Robertson sent the Bush campaign chairman a 10-page list of "persons I would like to see as Bush campaign co-chairmen."
Bush strategist Mary Matalin got right on it. By convention time, Robertson's hand-picked people were nearly all in place.