... and all the people some of the time, but you can't hide what a know-nothing shill for the Neo-Cons you've become.
I remember watching the 700 Club in college as an intellectual exercise for a poli-sci class and thinking, why isn't this as transparent to everyone as it is to me?
Of course, I'd been immunized already by studying a special course on the relationship between the holocaust and the propaganda of the Nazi party, so it was fairly easy to recognize the familiar Goebbels techniques he was employing. Robertson's blatant call for an assassination exposes the Neo-Con agenda for what it really is, a doctrine based on the acquisition of power at any price. No principle is sacred, no law of man or god inviolable if you support the agenda.
This is not about making the United States an empire or making the US secure. It is about making a select group of already rich people richer, as Robertson's comments about oil reveal. It is about making a select group of elites all-powerful and above the laws of man.
These neo-cons are no better than the Nazis of yore, and use many of the same techniques. It should surprise no one that 20% of those polled support Robertson's statements. There are always those bootlickers who cow-tow to the powerful, there are always those who you can fool "all the time".
But the naked truth, once again, is out there for all to see. It is up to us to have the eyes to see it and recognize it in its infancy.