the Dems going to run Paul Hackett for Senate in Ohio in 2006?
Wow. Really bad move, imho.
I saw Hackett interviewed by Bill Maher on Maher's show last weekend. The guy is Howard Dean on crack. Maher not only had to point out to him that he lost his recent Congressional race (Hackett really appeared to think he had won something), but Maher was also clearly a little surprised at the guy's behavior. (Hackett went way off on tangents at several points in the interview, talking about things such as Rush Limbaugh having "anal sex".)
Mike Dewine could lose in 2006 to a very solid Dem candidate under the right circumstances (i.e. continuing oil/Iraq headlines). But Hackett would be a complete disaster for them there. He not only wouldn't win, but he would make numerous national headlines that the GOP would have a field day painting the entire field of Democratic candidates with. He'd likely even make Hillary's job in Ohio in 2008 a couple points harder.
Run, Hackett, run, iTDho.
This Texas_Dawg guy is as bad as they come.