...but "There are no plans to drop "700 Club" from ABC Family, a spokeswoman for the network added...." See related initial post from yesterday, based on a Media Matters for America news release -
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=102&topic_id=1721829&mesg_id=1723989 - Media Matters Calls on ABC Family to Discontinue Robertson Broadcasts
Posted by paineinthearse
Added to homepage Tue Aug 23rd 2005, 04:31 PM ET
...and subsequent CBN "News" release "CBN News: Comments Add Fuel to the Fire" -
http://www.mediaweek.com/mw/news/recent_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1001020091ABC Family "Strongly Rejects" Robertson's Comments
August 24, 2005
By Andrew Wallenstein, The Hollywood Reporter
ABC Family moved to distance itself Tuesday from controversial comments religious broadcaster Pat Robertson made on the channel. Robertson was live on the air hosting "The 700 Club" when he suggested that U.S. operatives assassinate Venezuela president Hugo Chavez. The Walt Disney Co.-owned cable channel is contractually required to air the program, which is produced by the Christian Broadcast Network.
"ABC Family strongly rejects the views expressed by Pat Robertson in the Aug. 22 telecast of the program," the network said. "All comments about 'The 700 Club' should be directed to the Christian Broadcast Network through their toll-free number or via their Web site at www.cbn.com."
There are no plans to drop "700 Club" from ABC Family, a spokeswoman for the network added. "700 Club" has been a staple of the channel since it was known as the Family Channel, before Disney acquired it from News Corp. and Haim Saban in 2001.
Robertson sold it to News Corp. in 1997 on the condition that "700 Club" air on the channel in perpetuity no matter who owns the channel. On the air Monday, Robertson said of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez: "If he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war." The comment prompted liberal watchdog group Media Matters for America to publicly press ABC Family to drop "700 Club" from its schedule.
Contact / file a complaint with the FCC -
http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/complaints.htmlGeneral Complaints: wireless and wireline telecommunications issues, cable, broadcasting and telecommunications accessibility issues. When not filing electronically please remember to include this information.
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Contact Disney (ABC's parent)
http://corporate.disney.go.com/corporate/bios/anne_sweeney.htmlAnne Sweeney
Co-Chairman, Media Networks, The Walt Disney Company and President, Disney-ABC Television Group
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521-9722
Phone: 818-560-1000
Fax: 818-560-1930
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