Okay, so he's been fantasizing about being a world-class cyclist for some time now, judging by this article from earlier this year ...
"He jokes that he was leading the "peleton," the rolling swarm of bicyclists in races like the Tour de France -- a race he watched regularly this month before Armstrong's victory Sunday."
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,127076,00.htmlAnd he finally got to live his dream on the weekend -- of course, with the real Tour de France winner being obliged to stay behind him at all times -- just so he could paste this picture into his online scrapbook. He couldn't resist making a commemorative "Tour de Crawford" T-shirt, even though they never went near the town, but stayed on his property the whole time, going in circles. Can you imagine Bush riding in a REAL bike race, through towns and cities, in front of unscreened spectators who might be waving protest signs and booing him loudly -- let alone, doing this in France?
And now, Idaho. Not satisfied with his earlier charade, he repeats "Peleton One" ...
Is he going to insist on this, for every state in the Union? I can just imagine him hopping around the country on AF1, getting off to bike a few miles and pose for pics -- and then proudly announcing that he is the First Ever person to complete a "Tour de America"!