Edited on Wed Oct-01-03 12:12 AM by AP
Reporting on Huffington's withdrawal, they start by showing Arnold coming to the Bay Area for a fundraiser (he didn't go anywhere public--he went someplace private and met with rich people, so liberal SF'ans didn't have a chance to heckle him). Then they show Arianna's clip from the debate when Arnold wouldn't let her talk. Then they cut to Arnold for a reaction. The voice over is something like, "Schwarz. was more generous", implying that Arianna was out of line when she called Schwarz. out for talking over her.
And why the hell is Arnold the person they go to for a reaction to Huffington dropping out? "Cause they don't want to give Cruz any airtime.
After this very long segment which was mostly about Arnold, in which they discussed the big news -- Arianna's dropping out -- mostly through Arnold's eyes, they did a short thing about Davis and then, very briefly, at the end they showed a shot of Camejo sitting at a desk and reported that he wont' drop out but that he said "he won't be upset and will understand if his supporters vote for Bustamante."