237. June 3 - 8 a.m. attack on pipeline between Kirkuk and the Dibis refinery, about 30 miles west.
238. June 8 - saboteurs blew up a main oil pipeline near Kirkuk.
239. June 8 - saboteurs opened connections between two pipelines near the Bayji refinery causing oil spill.
240. June 9 - 8:00 p.m. saboteurs blew up a major oil pipeline five miles east of the Bayji refinery.
241. June 15 - insurgents blew up a pipeline near Baghdad that transports crude oil between Bayji and Daura.
242. June 23 - attack on pipeline carrying crude from Kirkuk to Bayji, near al-Fathah.
243. June 25 - attack on oil pipleline leading from Kirkuk to Ceyhan.
244. June 24 - pipeline linking the southern fields around Basra to Daura. The attack took place near Yusifiyah.
245. June 28 - attack on pipeline in southwestern Baghdad.
246. June 29 - attack on a natural gas pipeline linking storage facilities in Yousfiyah, south of Baghdad, to a plant in Baghdad.
247. July 3 - attack on a key feeder pipeline that leads to the Daura refinery.
248. July 8 - mortar attack on the Daura oil refinery hit a pipeline attached to one of the reservoirs.
249. July 20 - attack on an oil pipeline that connects Bayji and Baghdad.
250. July 20 - 6:00 a.m. a roadside bomb exploded under the pipeline that goes from Kirkuk to the Daura refinery.
251. July 20 - late night attack on oil pipeline between Mahmoudiyeh and Latifiyehin in southern Iraq.
252. July 21 - insurgents incinerated an oil pipeline west of Samarra.
253. July 26 - two Iraqi security personnel were killed and three wounded by mortar fire near Bayji while guarding an oil pipeline.
254. July 28 - a bomb hit an oil pipeline conecting Bayji and Kirkuk. A gas pipeline that supplies Bayji power station was also damaged during the attack.
255. July 28 - a bomb on a railway line hit a train carrying oil products near Baghdad, causing a huge fire.
256. August 3 - an explosion damaged a pipeline used for shipping fuel to a Baghdad power plant north of the capital.
257. August 4 - 5:00a.m. three explosions set ablaze a pipeline near Kirkuk.
http://www.iags.org/iraqpipelinewatch.htmThis isn't up to date, but only 257 attacks on the pipelines since the invasion. Rummy shoulda mentioned how well that is going.