Taxation: people who benefit a great deal from society should expect to contribute a little more of what they gained back to society in order to keep it going. Also, the more you make, the less valuable another dollar in income is to you, so to equitably distribute the burden, we can't charge poor people the same in tax on a dollar in income that we tax the wealthy.
Healthcare: To make every other part of the economy work better, we need to make sure everyone has access to healthcare. Also, in a society that manages to create so much wealth it is unethical to let so many live in misery when we have the money and the technology to alleviate that misery.
Education: When you have nothing to sell but your labor (when you aren't born wealthy or don't have assets you can buy and sell, and you don't get stock options) the best way to make sure your labor is as valuable and productive as possible, is through an education. As Thomas Jefferson said, roughly, America is a nation of diamonds in the rough. You never know where the next brilliant idea or hard worker will come from, so we better make sure we provide an opportunity for everyone, no matter how poor, to maximize their potential.
Defense Spending: Democrats care about defense, but they also care about (1) making sure America is a good and strong country by makng sure each American is as strong ass possible, and (2) making sure America stands for ideas that are worth defending, and all of them have to do with being against empire rather than being imperial.