Last week Fundamentalist Extremest Radical Cleric Pat Robertson prayed on his show "The 700 Club" - he asked God to let there be more vacancies on the Supreme Court. Supreme Court appointments are LIFETIME appointments so in essence Robertson was asking God to kill a judge or judges.
This is exactly the kind of statement Osama bin Laden makes in his video messages.
Then this week Robertson suggested that the US assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. He suggested that we ought to murder the leader of another country for purposes of political and ideological gain.
This is textbook terrorism, plain and simple. Consider the official FBI definition of terrorism:
Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. - US Federal Bureau of Investigation
Robertson's rantings surely meet that definition.
We should not tolerate any video network that broadcasts terrorist messages, such as Robertson's CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network).
At the very least, a network owned by someone who makes terrorist threats and that broadcasts those threats over the airwaves should be shut down by the FCC. In the context of the Global War on Terror (excuse me the "Global Struggle Against Extremism"), this matter of a Radical Cleric like Robertson making terrorist threats against US Supreme Court justices and foreign leaders should be taken utterly seriously and decisive action should be taken agains such an extremist.