Karl Rove's War Against Cindy Sheehan (This is a really good article)...
Submitted by nomobush on Tue, 2005-08-23 17:47. General Discussions
...About how the right-wing slime machine is attacking Cindy.
Some excerpts, and a link to the article....
Independent Media TV Under Reported…..August 21, 2005
Karl Rove's War Against Cindy Sheehan
By: Stewart Nusbaumer Intervention Magazine
To slander opponents so their political positions are discredited -- Karl Rove's doctrine has been immensely effective in defeating Bush's challengers; will it now be effective in defeating grieving mother Cindy Sheehan?
Dirty fighting is in their political blood. It’s their modus operandi. It’s their crème de menthe. By slandering and lying and thrashing they decimate enemies and capture political office -- they win, which means everything to them.
These are banana-republic-style tactics, where the media is intimidated, if not shackled, and accountability is nonexistent so anything can and is said. It produces an endless chase to refute lies, because character assassination has become the essence of your democracy. It produces not the free exchange of ideas, but a continuous bombardment of the deceptive and the distorted. It is Enron politics, and Karl Rove doesn’t lose in Enron politics.
Now they are eyeing Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier tragically killed in Iraq, a grieving mother protesting the war from a ditch near George Bush s ranch. They want to slaughter the mother lamb to destroy her resonating antiwar message. They want to win again.
The Republican troops are coming together and the guns to smear are being prepared. Some activists are under General Rove’s command, while others are jumping on the bandwagon propelled by the Bush-Rove attack machine. The dirty war has started. Last night the Fox News fair and balanced commentators lit into Cindy Sheehan claiming she is running a circus that is dangerous for the U.S. soldiers in Iraq. This is a central Rove tactic. Hide behind the well-being of our troops, even when our troops are dying; honor the troops while denigrating the veterans. That is the voice of a moral vacuum without limits.