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NWA's case is just the latest proof that unions are increasingly powerless

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 12:55 PM
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NWA's case is just the latest proof that unions are increasingly powerless
Go on strike, you get fired. They might take resumes from those who walked off, but don't expect fair treatment.

Northwest lined up 1,900 replacements to step in when its mechanics, cleaners and custodians walked out over the weekend. It has said they're temporary, that it still wants a deal with the union. But if it hires permanent replacements, Northwest could end up setting an example that other companies would be tempted to follow.

(of course, while "militant unions" may exist, we've seen how big companies get more and more militant - to the point where unions are as powerful as a 2 watt lightbulb.

Never mind how the "popular" view with the sheeple is that unions are worthless/waste of money/do-nothings... and even I, in a union, can also say things are bad. (and know stories from other people about other unions who just take the money and run and continue to get more money and run some more...)

Dunno about the future. But the present ain't pretty.
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ret5hd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 01:04 PM
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1. amfa is not a union...
(fyi: not disputing the general sentiment of the OP at all, just clarifying some things)

amfa is not a union. they themselves insist on this they are an association (why the distinction is important to them, i'm not sure).

amfa does not believe in political action or endorsement of political candidates.

amfa's sole goal is to infiltrate one of the last strongholds of unionism in the country (airlines), make enough outlandish promises to get the members of other unions to vote amfa in (alienating other crafts and classes in the process by denigrating their skills and contributions to the bargaining process), then falling flat-on-their-faces by failing to deliver on their promises, leaving an alienated workforce that is anti-union altogether.

amfa is nothing more than a union busting organization.

that is all. we will now continue with our regularly scheduled programming. it is not my intent to hijack this thread.
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Double T Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 01:05 PM
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2. Employees and Union Employees Have Few Rights In Today's.....
corrupt corporations. If you don't do as you are told, even though it may be unethical and /or illegal, your days with that corporation are probably few. It is unfortunate that all the progress that had been made by and for employee rights has been canceled by republican and neocon minded persons. I look forward to a better day ahead, but it may take a while.
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