"If Illegal aliens are allowed to vote, even in local elections, it will be another unmistakable signal that American citizenship, and therefore America itself, is finished. If the millions of illegal aliens in America are granted amnesty and get the vote, it will mean open immigration and a giant step toward Civil War II."
"Watch for racially split juries.1 If juries begin to refuse to convict their co-ethnics, then our progress towards basic social breakdown and Civil War II is accelerating. This will be one of the most significant indicators that we’re edging closer to a social earthquake and a breakup along tribal fault lines. Some prominent blacks have already encouraged black jurors to consider jury nullification. In a short piece in Harper’s magazine, Paul Buttler, a black lawyer, said this about the hypothetical case of a black drug addict whom black jurors know to be guilty of a burglary of a “rich white family”
(WCTV: This is interesting since nullification is how Klansmen never got convicted of terrorism)
"Watch for the military to assume police duties. Empires must of necessity use terror and brute force to suppress their lower tiers and masses of poor people. Because local police departments often lack the appropriate resources, empires often employ regular military units in this role.
Brazil’s military often conducts sweeps through its slums where they liberally dispense beatings, torture and summary executions. The Brazilian Army officers say they’re fighting drug traffickers, but as one cynical slum dweller pointed out, if they really wanted to kill the drug mafia godfathers they could easily do so because everybody in Brazil knows exactly who they are and exactly where they live in Brazil’s luxurious walled suburbs. When you think about it, doesn’t that sound a lot like our drug situation here? "
"Watch for the establishment of an elite military force outside the chain of command of the regular military to serve as an internal counterinsurgency force."
"Resegregation: Watch for Africans and other minorities demanding, and often getting, separate facilities for themselves, another clear sign that they’re continuing to reject co-option"
"Watch for non-governmental organizations acquiring military power. As we are increasingly losing our common identity as Americans, people are increasingly turning to alternate sources of psychological fulfillment and the increasingly necessary military protection that such organizations are extending. The Waco cult, street gangs, the Nation of Islam, and the white militias are all partly manifestations of this trend. Some of these groups will be militarily crushed by the government, while others will be tolerated or even subsidized as their assigned tier in the multiethnic American Empire dictates."