That during the next three years, three great movements will be "born again" slowly growing in size and strength and then coming together in the summer of 2008 for the biggest "Peace, Truth and Justice" RALLY the world has ever seen. The three movements are....
The NEW Civil Rights Movement.....brought back to life by young people outraged by the selection of John Roberts to the Supreme Court and the movement conservatives coming attack on the Civil and Voting Rights ACTS. The passing of the torch of Martin Luther King to a new generation of YOUNG African Americans. I believe we saw the first march just happen in Atlanta....
The NEW Peace Movement which is being born right now in Crawford Texas, complete with Iraq war yets able to be there for the first time. I believe this will be picked up by college students who clearly see an agenda of endless war and a bankrupt country. Millions of young people who know they have to take their future back by any means possible if they are to have a future at all.
The NEW Women's Rights Movement, spurred on by the selection of John Roberts to the Supreme Court and the overturning of Roe vs Wade and Movement Conservatives attack on Reproductive Rights for women. I see millions of young women bringing back the Equal Rights Amendament and this time getting it passed...
I see all good causes around the world coming together for a "showdown with evil" creating a massive movement filled with the energy of a Super Nova..That will KICK RIGHT WING ASS permanently and FOREVER.... A movement that will literally be the dawning of a new age....It believe it could happen....I really do..