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The credit card culture runs deep

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CornField Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 09:48 PM
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The credit card culture runs deep
I just put my 5-year-old daughter to bed -- she cried herself to sleep. Why? Because I a check, put it in an envelope and then told her to take it to school and give it to her teacher.

"It's your lunch money," I told her.

She quickly smiled and handed it back.

"I don't need any money, Momma," she said. "I've got a card."

I explained that I knew she used her school ID card to buy stuff at school, but that I had to put money into her account.

"The money makes the card work," I explained.

She went into hysterics. "When you and Daddy don't have money, you use the card," she pointed out. "Why can't I do that?"

Great! It's nine o'clock at night and I'm now expected to explain debit cards. I did a quick explain about how the card took money out of our bank account.

"When Dad and I say that, it's because we don't have any cash -- dollars and quarters in our pocket -- not because we don't have any money," I tried.

She wasn't buying it and she's still mad as hell. Obviously this whole "money" thing has screwed up her view of the universe. We truly are a credit card culture, aren't we?
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OrangeCountyDemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 09:52 PM
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1. Just Charge It!!
Next year you can explain how a Home Equity Loan works. "Mommy....Lisa's parents get her all sorts of toys because they borrowed against their home. Why can't you and daddy do that?"
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