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Great "Fresh Air" Interview with Female Iraq War Vet today! Must hear...

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Up2Late Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-05 12:11 AM
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Great "Fresh Air" Interview with Female Iraq War Vet today! Must hear...
Edited on Fri Aug-26-05 12:12 AM by Up2Late
...the 5 minutes if you don't have time to here the whole thing, which runs 38min. 39sec.

At about 32 minutes she begins to tell about how she just got Married to an Army Sargent that she met (but did NOT date) in Iraq.

They met BEFORE he was severely injured in an IED attack (Shrapnel in the Brain, injured), and then she goes into how he was so well taken care of on the battle field, but now, State side his health care has become a nightmare.

And even though their is NO WAY this guy can still function as a Soldier, they haven't allowed him to medically retire yet! SO she's now fighting those battles for him.

I have to tell the Ladies out there, If you ever want to let a Guy know that you REALLY Love him, Marry him or just stick with him after he's been severely injured at anything. I am so in awe of this Woman. :loveya:

Kayla Williams: 'Love My Rifle More Than You'

Listen to this story... (at the link above)

Cover of Kayla Williams' memoir
Love My Rifle More Than You

Fresh Air from WHYY, August 25, 2005 · Kayla Williams is a former U.S. Army soldier who served in the Middle East as an Arabic interpreter. She recounts her decision to enlist and her experiences during the Iraq war in a new memoir, Love My Rifle More Than You: Young and Female in the U.S. Army. Williams was a sergeant in a military intelligence company of the 101st Airborne Division.

Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Love My Rifle More Than You

A woman at war: you're automatically a desirable commodity, and a scarce one at that. We call it "Queen for a Year." Even the unattractive girls start to act stuck-up. It's impossible not to notice.

"Queen for a Year." You won't find the phrase in the dictionary or any compilation of military terms. But say it among soldiers, and they'll know immediately what you mean. That's what we've called American women at war since nurses traveled to Vietnam in the sixties.

There's also this "deployment scale" for hotness. Let me explain. On a scale of ten, say she's a five. You know -- average looks, maybe a little mousy, nothing special. But okay. Not a girl who gets second glances in civilian life. But in the Army, while we're deployed? Easily an eight. One hot babe. On average every girl probably gets three extra points on a ten-point scale. Useful. After you're in-country for a few months, all the girls begin to look good -- or at least better. It changes -- how should I say this? -- the dynamics of being deployed.

(more at link above)
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Up2Late Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-05 12:19 PM
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1. This was Thursday's Show, On-line now.
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