Edited on Wed Oct-01-03 10:14 AM by Padraig18
As I've considered the latest 'Traitorgate' revelations and the like, this eminence grise in my mind looms larger and larger, and it is this: "Are we seeing the manifestations of a coup d etat within the White House itself?" Bear with me...
As recently as 2 weeks ago, VP Cheney was making the rounds of the talk shows and STILL trying to connect Saddam and 9/11; IMMEDIATELY afterwards, Condi, *, et al were flat out contradicting him. Is he being set up?
Yesterday, Scott McClellan said "The (p)Resident knows nothing about any leak", or words to that effect. Assuming that is true (and my 'gut reaction' is that it may well be), then 'who' did know, and when? If * is out of the loop, who's running things?
Don't tell me to get a tin foil hat just yet, because this is just a 'niggling question' to me at this point. Nonetheless I ask, are we seeing a mutiny by Rove, and is the WH like the deck of a ship with loose cannons heaving to and fro?