Edited on Fri Aug-26-05 05:40 AM by wake.up.america
Please include specific questions, which should be asked by persons who wish to determine if they should support or oppose the war.
Somehow, the yelling from the other side should be met by demands for specific answers to specific questions.
There needs to be a nation-wide call for open, clear discussion.
I frankly have yet to detect any specificity when discussing the war with its supporters.
Clear and to the point. I do not need a graduate thesis, but well thought out answers to the following questions, without using the word noble or other vague terminology:
What did Bush say before invading Iraq? Why did America invade Iraq, according to Bush?
Were those reasons found to be verified? Who verified those findings?
What are the goals in Iraq? Have those goals changed since the invasion? If so, how many times?
How has Iraq changed since the invasion?
Do women have more or less rights?
How has this made America safer, if that is one of the goals. Please be specific.
Why were there bombings in Madrid and London?
How did the war in Iraq contribute to those bombings?
Why is America different than Spain and England with regards to potential bombings?
What has been the cost of the war thus far? What effect has the war regarding oil prices, if any?
What has been the cost to America in terms of social programs?